Iron Post Leadership is a boutique consulting firm offering client-centric talent management services. Unlike large consulting firms that offer one-size-fits-all solutions, we work to understand clients’ needs and tailor solutions to support emerging business challenges. With roots in the science of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, recommendations are always based on research-proven methods known to drive employee performance, engagement, and retention. We would love to work with you to design better hiring processes, create a more inclusive work environment, identify and develop future leaders, and achieve business results through people.
Building on more than 25-years’ experience and expertise in employee selection, employee engagement, employee retention, and leadership development, Anna Erickson founded Iron Post Leadership to provide a personal yet comprehensive approach to supporting clients’ talent management challenges. While other firms focus narrowly on specific services or tools, Iron Post Leadership recognizes the relationships between leaders, followers, and environment by providing integrated services that support a comprehensive talent strategy.
Company Leadership
Iron Post Leadership was founded by Anna Erickson. Dr. Erickson earned a Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and has extensive experience in employee selection, employee engagement, talent identification, leadership assessment, and executive development. Throughout her career, Dr. Erickson has helped clients identify top talent, coach executives to become stronger leaders, and design volume hiring as well as executive assessment programs. She has provided assessment feedback and coaching to hundreds of senior leaders, and has worked with many of the world’s most respected organizations including:

ABC News • Ameriprise Financial • Anheuser-Busch InBev • Asia Society • Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems • Best Buy • Blue Cross Blue Shield • CARE • Coloplast • CVS Pharmacies • County of San Luis Obispo • Deloitte • Dell • Fiat Chrysler Automotive • Kennedy Health System • Knorr-Bremse • Mazda • Nissan • North Highland • Plante Moran • SAIC • SBC Communications (now AT&T) • Sprint Corporation • Southern Company • Target Corp. • The Children’s Place • The Hershey Company • Time Warner and Time Warner Cable • Värde Partners • Warner Bros. • Xcel Energy • Xerox • United Technologies Corporation • US Army.
What’s in a Name?
Lessons from the Iron Post

Just a few miles from where Dr. Erickson grew up in Southwest Minnesota, there is a landmark designating the point at which three states meet. Less pretentious than the famous Four Corners Monument northwest of Albuquerque, the marker is a modest pillar designating the point where Minnesota, Iowa, and South Dakota meet. Locals refer to it simply as “The Iron Post”.
Like many posts, the Iron Post is a waymarker – a landmark that helps us see where we stand in the larger context of the world. Widely recognized as a symbol of strength, the iron reminds us of our inner strength – just as iron flowing through our veins sustains life – and of outer strength – such as the magnificent things we can build when we reach beyond ourselves as individuals. And as you embark on your own development journey, the Iron Post can remind you that sometimes it just takes a few steps to find yourself in a different state.